Thursday 13 October 2016

My analysis of a key scene from This Is England (Directed by Shane Meadows, 2006)


FILM TITLE: This Is England
SEQUENCE TIME CODE ...24:59-26.38 (Scene Title: The Best Day of My Life)
Micro Techniques and relevance?

-mise en scene
·         Long shots
·         Close Ups
·         Low angles
·         Dissolve
·         Loud non diegetic
·         Settings typical of working class areas
·         Costumes stay true to skinhead culture (working class)
·         Very High Angles
·         Hand held camera
·         Jump cuts
·         Static Camera
·         Slow Motion
·         Tracking Shots
·         Multiple camera angles from one shot
·         Montage
·         Breaking forth wall (looking at camera)

Characterisation and relevance?
·        Youth Culture (represented to being working class and being oppressed, the sense of belonging, enjoyment and acceptance of being working class is emphasized heavily in this scene)
·        Shown as aggressive at times but equally non-threatening, enjoying being strong willed and respected but not threatening to people around them
·        Football and swimming, shown to be typically cheap and working class pass times. They make the most of the pass times by making it their own, mucking about, play fighting, laughing, teasing. Typically the events we see the group partaking in, relaxing near a concrete incline, throwing rocks at some water, may seem mundane to some but at the same time the group make it look fun
·        Father figure is seen briefly through Woody having Shaun on his shoulders (could connote the working class looking out for one another)

Messages and Values and relevance?
·        Belonging
·        Finding your feet
·        Working class culture
·        Skinhead Culture
·        Youth Culture
Narrative Devices/Features and relevance?

·         Slow Motion (the day not wanting to end)
·         Non diegetic sound track (sets the day apart and could connote all the good events merging into one big one, as the song plays over the entirety of the piece)
·         Montage (speeds the day up)
·         Dissolve (makes the day feel like its slipping away)


  1. Good detail here Jake. Can you add some screen grabs - labels to link points from your notes - they can be a separate post.

  2. Now that the doc from BBC4 is on planet estream, you could be making notes on that and recording it on your grid for secondary research.
