Thursday 15 September 2016


Student Profile     2016-17
A Level Film Studies

Student Name:            Jake Hollington                                   Age:18

So we can help you achieve your best this year please give us as much information as possible.

What subjects are you studying this year?
Film A2
Communication and Culture A2

What are your exam results from your 1ST year of study?
Film- C
IT- Merit
Comms- B

Are there any issues outside of college or medical concerns that we might need to know about in order to support you this year? Any information you tell us is confidential (e.g. financial issues, transport to college concerns, new health conditions, new family concerns etc)
Travel and my job and finding the balance between the two.

What aspects of the course last year did you find difficult? (Please be specific and where possible tell us why e.g. particular topics we studied, skills, exam techniques, class activities, group work)
Editing and working under the pressure of deadlines.

What aspects of the course do you think you are good at?
Working alone or in groups. Researching tasks that might be valid to class. Trying to put an input during lessons.

Think about your AS year. Identify 3 targets for things you will do differently or focus on more closely this year for Film Studies.
Meet deadlines
Be more organised
Learn more about editing

Are you intending to apply for University? ……No……………………….

What degree are you hoping to do?......................................................................................

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