Thursday 15 September 2016

Th main aims for my SSRP is essentially to look at youth cultures and subcultures within British cinema and see how they represent us as a culture to foreign and also native audiences. The film I am focusing on to represent this analysis is This Is England, by Shane Meadows (2006) as it paints a vivid image of youth subcultures within Britain during the 1980s.

The main scene i will look it is when the film's protagonist first joins the skinhead gang and is shown to be enjoying the experience of the culture and the feeling of friendship. This scene is important to my argument as it shows what the commonly misunderstood culture stood for, friendship. This is highly important as it allows the spectator who may not to be familiar with the culture to experience what it truly meant and what it means to the British populous who were involved. It is a true and valid representation of British youth and even though the skinhead subculture has somewhat died down, the feeling of youthful rebellion can still be seen today in different ways.

I have furthered my research into this scene by looking at interviews with the cast and bonus features on the film. YouTube has provided many helpful videos which I have looked at that have shed light on the directors intentions with the film and how he wanted to portray the era he considered to be the highlight of his young years.


  1. You seem to have a clear direction for your project with appropriate films and scenes in your research. You could begin looking into some more sources related to your project.

  2. This is rather short Jake. Try to extend work to stretch yourself. Ultimately, short work will impact negatively on your likely success.

  3. Please add follow gadget and follow by email gadget. Add labels too.
